Frutiger Aero!
Welcome to the page dedicated to one of my favorite internet aesthetics: Frutiger Aero.
I first became interested in this aesthetic when I came across it while scrolling tiktok. However, my first introduction to the aesthetic was with Windows XP on my home computer. I was on the internet a lot as a kid, and I have a lot of fond memories of my computer and the many different applications that had a similar aesthetic. For me, frutiger aero is comforting and nostalgic.
I also think that as an aesthetic overall, frutiger aero represents a hopeful and technological future where tech blends into our lives, not takes over it. The natural themes in frutiger aero such as bubbles, leaves, grass, and one of my favorites, the subaesthetic of aquatic frutiger aero, show the blend between nature and technology that I wish was more emphasized. Furthermore, the skeuomorphic design, unlike a flat design, is much more realistic looking and warm, whereas in my view, flat designs can seem more cold and just plain boring. Frutiger aero is fun, light, casual, of the common people even, whereas flat designs are like a day in the office, plain and made to appeal to everyone and yet no one at all. Flat is too impersonal.
I hope I've convinced you to give frutiger aero a chance! I'm hopeful that more skeuomorphic designs become more popular again. Please look into it if you're interested.